Welcome to MKG GÖBEL
Our small, extremely dynamic team plans and constructs solar parks – with a total output of over 4,000 MWp to date. Our customers benefit from professional services and first-class GMS® Ground Mounting Systems. Take a look around:
Pilot project: fruit and PV Agri PV, agriculture combined with photovoltaics, is a highly topical issue - especially in regions with intensive land use, such as Baden-Württemberg. On occasion of the inauguration of a pilot project near Heilbronn, regional TV station SWR reported on the issue and its special challenges.
Sponsoring SV Sandhausen The MKG GÖBEL team is extremely successful, but in a field that is almost unnoticed by the public. Participating in the Energy Tower advertisement at second division soccer club SV Sandhausen now provides additional visibility.
Solar park near Nochten opencast mine For NaturEnergy KGaA, MKG GÖBEL has built a solar park with an output of 18 megawatts in eastern Saxonia. An unusual feature: the plant generates electricity mainly in the morning hours to compensate for grid peaks at lunchtime.
Agri-PV in Heuchlingen In August 2022, MKG GÖBEL set up an experimental plant at the State Teaching and Research Institute for Viticulture and Fruit Growing (LVWO), in cooperation with our partner BayWa r.e. The project will help to gather practical experience and to offer better solutions for combining photovoltaics and agriculture.
Recent projects
Soest-Hattrop (D)
8.41 MWp / 19,344 modules
Malloa (CL)
3 MWp / 7,062 modules
Heuchlingen II (D)
225 kWp / 1,064 modules
Energy park Witznitz (D)
650 MWp / 1,100,000 modules